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Finavia to apply new airport charges on 1 January 2024

Article published
9.11.2023 at 14:15
Opastekyltti Helsinki-Vantaan terminaalissa
Finavia will increase its airport charges for airlines and other airport users from the beginning of 2024.

The underlying reason for the price change is the economic impact of higher material and service costs and increased depreciation following the recently completed investment programme at Helsinki Airport. Finavia has adjusted its own operations through a savings programme of EUR 200 million.

Passenger charges will increase by 6,0% and landing charges will increase by an average of 6,3%. Aircraft parking charges will increase by 4.8% and the electricity infrastructure charge by 3,8%. Security charges for departing passengers will increase by 5,5%. In total, air traffic charges will increase by 5,9% compared to 2023.

If an airport user disagrees with the pricing decision, they may refer the issue to the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency for processing in accordance with the Act on the Airport Network and Airport Charges (210/2011).

Finavia´s decision on airport charges for 2024.pdf