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KfW IPEX-Bank finances expansion of Helsinki Airport

Article published
26.6.2019 at 10:51
Helsinki-Vantaan lentoaseman terminaali, jossa on lasinen seinä ja puinen lippa sisäänkäynnin yllä.
The total investment volume adds up to approx. EUR 1 billion, with KfW IPEX-Bank providing a loan of EUR 95 million. The Helsinki Airport Development Programme was launched in 2014, at it is slated for completion by 2022.

In phase 4, which is now starting, the existing terminal 2 building will be expanded and modernised. Completely new check-in and security check space and baggage reclaim will be built at the airport. In addition, a multi-modal travel centre will also be established to better connect the airport with public transport.

"Financing airports as central mobility hubs for entire regions is part of our core business," explained Andreas Ufer, member of the Management Board of KfW IPEX-Bank responsible for the infrastructure sector.

"In joining this financing, we intend to boost the growth and innovation potential of Helsinki Airport. Yet there is considerable potential in other markets in the region, too - we see ourselves as a problem-solver and financier specialised in infrastructure, also for northern Europe."

The focus of Finavia's business is in sustainable and responsible action. All Finavia’s airports are carbon neutral because of the climate programme. The programme consists of a number of measures aimed at reducing emissions such as using 100 % renewable energy for electricity consumption and airport vehicles as well as improving the energy efficiency of all operations.

“Being the number one networked hub in the Nordic region our aim is to offer European and Asian passengers good and smooth connections world-wide. We want to stand out by providing an exceptionally good customer experience and sustainable operations at Helsinki Airport,” says Niclas Köhler, CFO and SVP at Finavia.

With this financing, KfW IPEX-Bank is positioning itself as an infrastructure financier in the European market while at the same time contributing to environmental and climate protection.

Helsinki Airport Development Programme

Finavia's climate programme

Source: KfW IPEX-Bank, Press release 5.6.2019